Part time
Find the right part time job for you.
Part-time work is on the rise. More and more people want to have a little more free time and are therefore looking for a job with a part-time workload. Companies have also recognized that part-time work has many advantages and are therefore open to offering their jobs as part-time workloads.
Open positions
Projektleiter/in mit Mediamatik-Ausbildung
Mediamatiker EFZ, 100% (m/w/d)
Mediamatiker/in (60–80%)
WordPress Webentwickler/in 80–100%
Senior-PHP-Entwickler:in, 80–100%
Web Engineer 80–100% (w/m)
Senior Applikationsentwickler Web (a) 80–100%
Senior Solution Architect* Digital Experience Platforms
Senior Requirements Engineer* Digital Commerce
Projektleiter:in mit Schwerpunkt Marketing und Kommunikation mit Affinität im Bereich Digital-Marketing und Content-Creation (80%)
Photo by Shridhar Gupta on Unsplash