Frequently asked questions

What does a job listing cost?

A job listing costs CHF 200 including VAT.

How long is it valid?

The running time is 60 days. Job advertisements can be paused at any time and reactivated until the 60 days have expired.

What payment methods are available?

We offer payment by credit card or via PayPal.

Is it also possible to pay by invoice?

We do not offer an invoice or advance payment for individual job advertisements. If you advertise regularly, there is the possibility to buy a contingent of e.g. 10 job advertisements. If you are interested, simply contact us at

Are the job postings shared on social media?

Yes, we share the job advertisements on our channels Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Can a job listing be renewed?

Yes, if you haven’t found anybody in 60 days, you can extend the ad in the dashboard for another 60 days with only a few clicks.

Why is Freshjobs a member of Stripe Climate?

At Freshjobs, we are convinced that companies can make a decisive contribution to the fight against climate change. That’s why 2% of the income from each job posting is dedicated to modern technologies to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere.