Find the right backend job for you.
Developers* are needed in Switzerland. You hear this again and again and it is reflected on No matter whether it’s full stack developer jobs or jobs with a clear focus on technology. There are many backend jobs. On always with the focus on the web.
Open backend jobs
Fullstack Software Entwickler:in 80–100%
Software Engineer:in .NET (80–100 %)
Fachleiter Softwareentwicklung (a) 80–100%
Senior Software Engineer ASP.NET Core/C# (a) 80–100%
Full-Stack Applikationsentwickler:in 80–100%
Frontend-Entwickler (80–100%) m/w/d
Berufsbildner Informatik Applikationsentwicklung (80-100%) – Baar/Zug (m/w/d)
Softwareentwickler C# und React 80-100% (m/w/d)
Frontend-Backend-Developer (mit breitem Interesse) 60 – 100%
Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash